mercredi 28 octobre 2009

Why is there no visitors in your blog ? -Some Blogging Tips-

When we start to do something new  it is natural that we have some fears and worries, most about the new blogger is that up to  the situation to be only visitor of his own blog, where sitting in front of the computer and start blogging and make  efforts and tired but in the end there are no results up by the case that waiting for visitors and comments in his blog like someOne in The heart of the desert lonely, sitting on sand's dune and waiting for the passage of a convoy. Why is there no visitors? Why is there no interaction with the contents of the blog ? Where is the fault? Is it Google? Does the contents are not Good? These are some of the questions posed by the blogger himself In fact, if the blog is abandoned and no visitors , there was some Error and imbalance in 95% of cases in the Blog and in the owner.

. The nature of the visitors :

First, we must understand the nature of the visitors who arrive to the Blog, They are divided into 3 sections:

1.Visitors who are loyal - and they who enter to your blog directly they know your Blog URL  and access to it without an intermediary.

2. Visitors referral - they are visitors who arrive to your blog through other sites.

3.Visitors arrive from search engines - they are visitors who arrive to your blog through search engines  like Google and bing and others.

For example, my loyal visitors (15%), referral visits (5%)  and visitors From search engines (80%). In general when you open your blog, initially will not be known by anyone except a small group of relatives and friends. These are the loyal visitors who know the URL of the Blog and enter it directly to view the new contents. Of course, this service could be expanded in the future and can include more loyal visitors who admire the content of the Blog and save it in they Favorite by example ,and visiting from time to time ,so  the number of visitors in the initial phase of 20 or 30 visitors Daily, don't worry, this situation is normal, you are still on the first Step , was too early to start evaluation your blog succeeded or failed .

At an advanced phase will enter the role of visitors referrals. When we say referrals visitors ,we
Are intended visitors who arrive to your blog through other sites. For example, you publish a certain blog Article won the admiration of visitors, you will find that some suggest this link to the Article either in the forums, blogs or other sites. This is an indication that the content is published by the attention of others and this is encouraging.

Now comes the role of visitors from search engines, usually this part receive the the biggest of the total visitor arrivals to the your blog ,visitors from search engines is the most important visitors because they arrive to your blog regularly through the search for words or different terms.i will  Put  a series of topics dealt with this aspect elaborated and would help consolidate the relationship of your blog with search engines:

-Content of the Blog and the method of writing.
-Create a Sitemap For your Blog.
-Control the appearance of the addresses in Google.
- Permanent links to the topics and how to change them.
-Delete non-useful links from Google.
-Control of the keywords in the search engine

Now may come a blogger and asking this question:

     I am my blog two years old and the number of daily visitors was 120 visitors. Is this situation normal? 

The answer is that age site is not a measure of the number of visitors. There are Blog of two months after its launch enters 1000 visitors daily and there are blog of 2 years old enter 100 visitors a day. Hard Work is the correct measure, is not enough to make the effort, but must be based on the standards of diligence and to correct a deliberate plan. This effort  should come from person who knows the meaning of discipline, compliance, patience, continuity. When you have mastered (the rules of the Blogging Trick) you will notice that the path visitors to your blog has become short. Before you ask why the low number of visitors , ask yourself  you worked hard enough to deserve a blog of thousands of visitors? I will review some key factors that help bring visitors to the Blog On the other side some of the factors that cause the visitors not back to your blog.

Factors that help to bring visitors

This set ,of the most important factors that leave a positive impression for visitors and would also get more visitors:

1.Blog Design - Design should be light and compatible with all browsers. Colors should be consistent regardless of whether they are light or dark.

2.View and coordinate the Topics- and this is a very important point overlooked by many bloggers. Content of the Blog should appear uniformly homogeneous, It is Unreasonable that each Topic having its uniform, For example, Topic title (h1) should appear with one font used  and fixed size in all blog - Also for the sub-headings. The text should appear in a unique  uniform and should not be used many  range of fonts and color in each topic .

3.Steady pace - Blogging on a regular and steady pace and not be absence a long time from the Blog.

4.Content of the Blog
- try to make your blogging unusual and unexpected, to see Visitor INTERESTING and don't make him indolence and sleepy at a time to visit your blog. Dont say i don't  have anything new to blogging (to write it in my blog), a large part of the count is not successful because of the subject matter but because of view and address the issue.A large of  blogging  are not successful because of the subject but because the presentation and  subject handling.

5.You and your style in writing - Be you, be natural and don't copy from others . Blogging because you love blogging, are not recorded for Google AdSense, profits come automatically advanced phase so do not try to reap the fruit before you planted the tree.

6.Social Network - Expand your knowledge on the Internet, known new bloggers, use the social network correctly (such as Twitter, Facebook ...).

Factors that lead to the escape of visitors

This is a group of the most important factors that make visitors leave your blog and a high probability, would not return to it:

1.Appearance of the Blog -  heavy design / non-agree with browsers design / Coordination of Contents are annoying . Preferred to leave the task of design to someone who understands this subject .

2.Inability to transfer the idea of the visitor - sometimes  visitor start to read the article ,if he don't finish reading or read until the end , but  he don't understand what is the idea that wish blogger want to explain . A common cause of this problem is ( Dispersion of ideas ),Coordination and division of the Articles incorrectly .

3.Immaturity of the cultural and intellectual .

4.Contents Copied  (if you said the source or without said it ) -gives the impression that the blogger is
Non-innovative and non-productive.Rate your blog (factory) do not make it (warehouse) for a commodity you are not the owner.

5.Comments level - sometimes the level of comments reflects the level of the topics and if all the comments (Thanks) (and Wow) , this is bad and does not encourage discussion of the topics. Who wants to thank you Write a comment explaining the idea or criticize or add other suggestions.

6.Lack of seriousness and sincerity in presenting topics - for example, if you wish to address a particular social phenomenon you have to raise the topic seriously and not simply by typing the 4 or 5 lines of appended to a short question (yes guays What do you think? we need interaction!). visitors like the blogger whi is serious and sincere in making topics.

Take into account that any change conducted on your blog may need certain period of time until you start seeing the results of this change, does not expect to see the results change after a day or two, and sometimes you need to wait for many months. I would like to note that the positive and negative factors were mentioned briefly above, each  fact  need to be in special Topic, I will write topic  for some of these factors in greater detail in the near future .

4 commentaires:

Another Blogger a dit…

Nice tips. To get much visitors all you have to do is keep promoting your blog and posting on everyday base. Its help a lots.
See my post about blog promotions :

Unknown a dit…

This is helpful information. I am new to blogging and can use all the tips I can get to build traffic.

Paul Giggz a dit…

Thanks a lot for this. Using these principles everyday will produce results.

Unknown a dit…

Try to post on your blog on daily basis. Also provide some basic seo techniques on the blogs to get familiar your blog in the search engines circle for more visibility.
- J.
Web Marketing

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